Coundown by TEDxSkift

In collaboration with the Climate House at the Natural History Museum in Oslo, we are proud to present a digital TEDx Countdown event where we present climate solutions developed by climate leaders in our network.

22 okt. 2020

In collaboration with the Climate House at the Natural History Museum in Oslo, we are proud to present a digital TEDx Countdown event where we present climate solutions developed by climate leaders in our network.

This event is part of the initiative TED Countdown, a global platform for sharing and accelerating solutions to the climate crisis. As an official network partner of TED Countdown, Skift wants to involve the Norwegian business community in this effort. We look forward to soak up ideas and solutions from the global stage, and to present solutions from Norway and Scandinavia to the world.


Gina Gylver

Kayleigh Smith

Simen Rudi

Tine Hegli

Jan Erik Saugestad

Gunnhild Hystad

Britt Nilsen

Head of Sustainability, Schibsted

Jens Ulltveit-Moe

Founder and board member of Skift, chairman, Umoe

Heidi Finskas

Gry Johanne Åmodt

Odd-Harald Wasenden

Rune Skeie


Gina Gylver - Board Member in Nature and Youth
“Be brave”

Kayleigh Smith
- Head of Sustainability at Sweco
“The 1,5 Degree Neighbourhood”

Simen Berntsen Rudi
– Head of Communication at Fremtind
“Repair more”

Tine Hegli
– Senior Architect at Snøhetta
“From “zero” to action!”

Jan Erik Saugestad
– CEO of Storebrand Asset Management
“Money talks - change is possible through partnerships”

Gunnhild Hystad
– Project Manager at Corvus Energy and Member of NITO
“A ferry making waves – how lithium ion batteries can help greening the maritime industry”

Mathias Juell Johnsen
– Head of Communication and Politics at Skift
“Guide against greenwashing”

Music and talk by Sigrid – performed at the TED Countdown Global Launch

Britt Nilsen
– Head of Sustainability at Schibsted
“The Second Hand Effect Project”

Jens Ulltveit-Moe
– Founder of Umoe and Chair of the Board at Skift
“Cutting transport CO2 through sugarcane ethanol”

Heidi Finskas
– Vice President Corporate Responsibility at KLP
“Turning billions to trillions – investing in renewable energy in developing countries”

Gry Johanne Åmodt
– Vice President at Statkraft
“How renewables can cut most of global greenhouse gas emissions”

Odd-Harald Wasenden
– Partner at Arntzen de Besche
“Offshore wind in Norway: The importance of infrastructure planning”

Rune Skeie
– Urban Ecology Expert at Asplan Viak
“The City as an Ecosystem”

Torkjell Leira
– Head of Exibitions and Events at the Climate House Oslo
“The Climate House Oslo”