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Can Svalbard become a showcase for renewable solutions?
Can we give the green shift more horsepower by inspiring, learning and challenging each other?
Klimakontrollen sheds light on the status of Norwegian climate policy and monitors the progress of reaching national climate goals.
The climate crisis and the nature crisis are closely linked, and nature and nature risk are a perspective that will increasingly have to be included in decision-making processes.
The Initiative Climate Neutral Nordic is a joint venture between Nordic governments and Nordic businesses.
Climate change accelerates and mitigation actions lag behind.
How can Norway become a pioneer in the circular economy? We have contributed to creating a "Circularity Gap Report" for Norway that provides guidance
GreenFleet will promote a faster transition from fossil to renewable and emission-free vehicle fleet among its members, and in the business community in general.
Oslo has the potential of becoming a showcase for more sustainable city-life. That would be good for business.
Inspiring solutions