Green Fleet
GreenFleet will promote a faster transition from fossil to renewable and emission-free vehicle fleet among its members, and in the business community in general.

The project was launched at Norway's most important climate conference, Zerokonferansen, in 2018, as a declaration from the participating businesses to demand emission free vehicles to assure the providers that there would be a market for these vehicles.
When it comes to heavy transportation, like trucks, trailers and busses, there are a lot less available alternatives than in the market for passenger cars. The participants in the project call for stronger political involvement on the issue, an increased amount of available models from the providers and international collaboration to speed up the transition.
The participating GreenFleet-companies are Posten, Ruter, Veidekke, Umoe, Agder Energi and Coca-Cola European Partners Norway, and the project is led by ZERO.