Klimakontrollen sheds light on the status of Norwegian climate policy and monitors the progress of reaching national climate goals.

In accordance with the Paris Agreement, Norway has communicated a nationally determined contribution (NDC) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 % by 2030, compared to 1990. Klimakontrollen will follow Norway's path towards 2030 and function as an independent audit of Norway's efforts to achieve its climate goals.
Klimakontrollen shows the gap between current Norwegian policy and the necessary climate policy needed to succeed. If Norway is to manage to reduce emissions, we must adopt more climate policies than today. Klimakontrollen proposes potential climate policies in five main categories:
- Electrification
- Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
- Increased efficiency
- Hydrogen
- Biofuel
Each category has different instruments that affect different sectors. Klimakontrollen shows the potential for emission cuts and the political status of each measure.
Klimakontrollen is a collaborative project between ZERO, Skift, and PwC. The database on the website was created by ZERO and is a presentation of the content of the Zero Report 2023 (in Norwegian). PwC designed and built the website.